
  • Hand in Hand with Beichuan, Devoted to Education
    I don’t have the heart to recall the memory! But we pulled through after all. The objectives of “restoration in 3 years, enhancement in 6 years, and breakthrough in 9 years” are realized step by step. On the road of educational support in the past 7 years, we built a bond with Beichuan. The children’s sweet smiles are the best rewards to us.
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  • Love in Beichuan
    In May 2009, when a year had passed since the world-shaking Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, China, on the invitation of Chinese PLA General Armament Department’s Cadre Office, several school principals and I went to Mianyang, Sichuan, to visit and inspect the “PLA Tent School”
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  • Endless Songs & Hearts Together, Same Feelings & Connected Dreams
    All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese gathered worldwide overseas Chinese’s love and strength to support the reconstruction of Beichuan High School, thus Beichuan High School’s students regained their school yard. Yihai Education Group hand in hand with Xicheng District Commission of Education of Beijing supported Beichuan High School for 6 years in succession, and left a touching chapter in China’s basic education.
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记忆 回到2008年5月12日14时28分那个不堪回首的时刻,四川省汶川县地动山摇,飞沙走石。
  • 2008年,威斯尼斯人5158cc组织威斯尼斯人5158cc人、威斯尼斯人5158cc社区居民加入到募捐大军,配合中国侨联多方联络世界华人华侨加入募捐,并鼓励发动北川学子自建自救,编辑出版《爱在北川学子吟》中英文版,进行义卖。最终募集善款2000余万元人民币,均用于北川中学建设。
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  • 2012年4月27日,西城区教委、威斯尼斯人5158cc教育集团与四川省绵阳市教体局、四川省北川中学,在北京签订第二轮支教北川中学协议书。根据协议约定,威斯尼斯人5158cc教育集团和西城区教委将从2012年开始,在未来三年连续派出支教老师,帮助北川中学开展教育教学工作。

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